Puppeteer もどき 作ってみよう(その5)


2008年07月27日 12:34

llSetPrimitiveParams attached rotation で google ってみると
[#SVC-93] llSetPrimitiveParams PRIM_ROTATION and llSetRot incorrectly implemented for child prims - Second Life Issues
If you must set a child prim to a local rotation "rot" using PRIM_ROTATION, use this:
llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_ROTATION, rot/llGetRootRotation]);
Furthermore, llGetRootRotation does not return a meaningful result for child prims in attachments.
等ということが書かれてある 事の本質はこの辺か? でこれを回避する方法は? ということなんだが...
Those examples both illustrate quaternion math that does not make sense. They only work because of the errant multiply operation carried out behind the scenes. Countless scripters in-world and in the forums have essentially stumbled upon these workarounds by doing various quaternion operations until the right thing happens[1]. I (and possibly others) worked out the actual problem and use the above workarounds routinely when I need to. SImply fixing PRIM_ROTATION will, unfortunately, break a lot of content. A new function, llSetRotCorrectly(), and a new operation, PRIM_ROTATION_CORRECT, will need to be implemented to fix this bug.
などということが書かれてある... そもそも間違ってるってこと? w
LlSetLocalRot - lslWiki
Q: How do I perform this with llSetPrimitiveParams on a child of an attached prim?
A: You need to know the local rotation of the root prim of the the attachment and divide your target rotation by the root's local rotation.
とある... あの それ知りたいんですが w
walking のスクリプティング講座