オフィシャルブログを読んでみる - リニューアル


2009年02月26日 14:03

なにげに google っていると
そういえば 読んだことなかったなあ
というわけで 最新の記事
Coming Soon…The Good Ol’ Days! «Official Second Life Blog
The Second Life Blog was once a place where the Lindens talked casually with you about policy, their projects, recent news, the future of SL, etc.  Residents regularly told us that they loved having access to such broad insight into the company and frequent communication with the full range of Lindens.  And Lindens loved the ongoing dialog with residents.
かつて The Second Life Blog は カジュアルな交流の場であった
Over time however, as more Lindens came to participate, the blog got a bit manic. Some of you complained that reports of temporary performance issues would eclipse larger conversations related to long term plans and features while others believed that tutorials and opinion pieces were distracting them from the hard news of inworld issues they needed to know about in order to run their businesses.
が だんだん そうでなくなってきてしまった
In other words, we outgrew our single channel blog.  It was no longer serving people’s individual needs. Perhaps worse was that the signal to noise ratio in comments had gotten bad enough that Lindens weren’t able to depend on them as a way to clearly hear the range of needs and desires of the community.  As such we had to limit blog participation to a smaller number of Lindens on certain types of topics and move extended discussion to the forums.
大きくなりすぎ S/N 比も悪くなったため 議論はフォーラムに移されてきた
We knew it was important to get back to using the blog as a key means of constructive two way conversation with the community, so we put together a shopping list of must-haves for a new blog suite which included…
- Individual channels of communication for each subject
- Numerous means of accessing channels (including RSS and email subscription)
- Discussion format sub-blogs for extended conversations with threading, voting etc…
- Private sub-blogs for communities working in Second Life (like educators and Solution Providers)
After comparing options, we believe we’ve found one that will best suit our ongoing needs. We expect that it will allow us to get back to the days when any and all Lindens could participate freely and hope that it will provide a convenient way for you to engage us on a wide variety of topics.
でもブログを使うのは重要だというわけで いくつかの改善を行うことにした
というわけで ブログのリニューアルが図られることになったらしい
が どうも予定がずれ込み 来週あたりに ということになっているらしい < ドラクエか