


朝 in していてそういう話を耳にしたので少し調べてみた
仮想世界のSecond Life,アダルト・コンテンツをフィルタリング:ITpro
Update - Upcoming Changes for Adult Content - Community - Second Life Blogs
via THE SECOND TIMES リンデンラボ、アダルトコンテンツのフィルタリングプランを発表

Next week, we plan to release the Release Candidate (RC) for Viewer 1.23, which will be the first to include the new functionality related to this initiative. If you want to get an early look at setting maturity ratings and filtering search results, you'll be able to do both with the new RC.
と... 来週にも 対応 RC が出るみたい
Over the next few months, we'll be continuing to work on the main viewer, which we anticipate will be ready by the end of June. When Viewer 1.23 is final and ready to become the main Viewer (again, estimated to be by the end of June), the full implementation process will begin - all regions will need to be maturity-rated, search will be filtered for everyone, Adult content on the mainland will need to move to the new continent, and access to Adult regions and search results will be limited to Residents with verified accounts.
で 6月末に対応正式版が出 対応作業開始
we currently expect it to last through August. 
で Adult の定義についてだが
Second Life Support Center

In the FAQs below, we offer examples as to what types of Regions are and are not considered adult, based on, for example, distinctions between "public" and "private" content, as well as distinctions between content that is "expressly sexually themed" and content that is not. 
Dance clubs that feature "burlesque" acts can also generally reside in Mature Regions so long as they don't promote sexual conduct such as through pose balls (whether in "backrooms" or more visible spaces).  
そういうポーズボールがあったら ブー らしい... 分かりやすいね w

As part of this initiative, we will require Residents who access adult content (or view Adult search results) to go through an account verification process -- either being verified through our age verification provider, or have a verified payment method.  While no such system is truly infallible, we believe these steps will make our platform safer, and will give providers of adult content an additional layer of assurance that only verified adults will be able to access their content.
個人情報を入れるつもりはないので そういう人は そういう場所に これからアクセスできなくなりますよ ということですね
How will these changes affect XstreetSL? XstreetSL already separates Adult content, so we expect no changes at this time.
Xstreet の場合は自己申告なわけだが(というか SL ではそういうお店は Adult 対象になってしまい 年齢認証を通らないと 行けなくなってしまうだろうけど Xstreet で買えますね ということでもある w)
SL もそれくらいにしとけばいいのに と思わなくもないが
子供を悪意ある大人から守るためには仕方ないだろう という気もする
さて もうすこし背景的な話は 1つ前の記事を参照した方が分かりやすい
Upcoming Changes for Adult Content - Community - Second Life Blogs
via THE SECOND TIMES セカンドライフ、とうとうアダルトコンテンツも規制へ

In particular, it has become clear that some Residents are interested in pursuing certain “Adult” activities in Second Life that others would rather not casually encounter.  To address this, over the next few months, we will need to implement some changes around Adult content to ultimately give all Residents more control over their Second Life experiences.
アダルトだから規制する というのではなく
First, it will provide a way to geographically separate Adult content and activities to a part of the “mainland” designed to accommodate these activities (Estate owners with Adult content on their land will be required to flag their content; they will not be required to move).  Second, it will filter search results, so that those who do not wish to see “Adult” results will not.  Third, it will require that those who access or see “Adult” content (whether on land or in search) have had their accounts verified – such as by a payment or age verification method.
そこで 場所を分け フィルタリングしますという話
-- How much of SL is adult oriented content?
Based on our research, we estimate that around 2-4% of content on the mainland would be considered Adult according to our current thinking on defining that. For all of Second Life, our content research shows it  is around 5%. In other words, 95% of Second Life either mature or PG.. Again, we  estimate that only around 2-4% of the mainland parcels would need to either relocate or reconfigure to meet the requirements in our current thinking, but of course we are looking for your feedback to help define that.
で そもそもアダルトの対象になるのはどの程度か
という話で メインランドで 2-4% それ以外で 5% としている
-- What about adult activity in private on the mainland? e.g. Is Linden Lab making rules about what I can do in my own house on the Mainland?
Nope. We are talking about public behavior and events, businesses and listings that are meant to drive explicit sexual and violent activity.
という もっともな質問に対しては パブリックな領域のみが対象 という話
-- What about objects/avatars/groups that some consider inherently related to specific sexual activities or preferences - e.g. furries, sexy clothing, etc. - will that be considered 'Adult content'?
We're still working on tight definitions (which we'd like your help with) on what is considered Adult, but in general sexy clothing, skins, and furries aren't inherently explicitly sexual, and stay in the Mature areas (i.e. won’t need to move to the Adult continent).
セクシーなだけでは Adult ではないと...
-- Is all content currently classified 'Mature' going to have to move to the Adult continent?
No. Our research found an estimated 2-4% of the mainland parcels would need to either relocate or reconfigure to meet the requirements, based on our current definitions of Adult content, which again, is an area where we’d appreciate your feedback.
Mature = Adult ではない ということ
-- How does this apply to combat sims, can you provide examples of what would be allowed?
Combat sims are mature, think R rated movie. If part of that is lots of blood and gore, that would be considered Adult. Again, the precise definitions are something we’re still working on and would welcome your input in the forum thread devoted to this topic.
コンバット SIM はそれだけでは Adult ではない
あまりに過激な暴力表現は Adult
-- What happens to my personal data? Will it get shared with a 3rd party when I verify my account?
Our 3rd party age verification provider uses several types of data to verify your account, but they do not store the data or use it in any other way.
個人情報は保持すらしない 第三者機関の認証のみを用いるという話
As we've stated, nearly all inworld content, events and classifieds will stay as there are. For some events and businesses, you will now have a place where you can target your audience and reach the people who are looking for the goods and services you provide.
まあ Adult なコンテンツを扱えるよう整備する(というか デファクトな標準的な扱いに合わせる)というのが 今回の変更の趣旨って所でしょう
まあ これまでのありようが多少 イレギュラーでもありえたということでもあるわけだが...

Wolf さんが
 マッドサイエンス - Mikianna (2009-02-08 10:03)
 Tsunami という名の SIM (2008-11-01 14:19)
 Passion Cove という名の SIM (2008-10-30 06:03)
 Super Porn Stars という名の SIM (2008-10-29 22:27)
 Sex Beds という名の SIM (2008-10-12 06:04)
 Playboy という名の SIM (2008-10-07 12:38)
Posted by walkinglint at 20:03│Comments(0)エロ