スクリプトジェネレータ Autoscript
Ayumi Cassini Does Second Life: Scripting made easy
Autoscript is a script generator for Second Life created by Hilary Mason (Ann Enigma in SL) from Johnson and Wales University. You choose what you want your object to do and when it should happen. The generator will then create the script for you and tell you if there are more actions you need to take to make the script work (for example put your notecard into the object's contents).
と... ほほう
Script Me!
が そのページだ なかなか良くできてる... 英語だけど w
Autoscript is a script generator for Second Life created by Hilary Mason (Ann Enigma in SL) from Johnson and Wales University. You choose what you want your object to do and when it should happen. The generator will then create the script for you and tell you if there are more actions you need to take to make the script work (for example put your notecard into the object's contents).
と... ほほう
Script Me!
が そのページだ なかなか良くできてる... 英語だけど w
Posted by walkinglint at 17:05│Comments(0)
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