Category:LSL String - Second Life Wiki
を見ていたら へ~ こんな関数あるんだ...
というわけで 試してみました
を見ていたら へ~ こんな関数あるんだ...
というわけで 試してみました
// File: string_test2.lsl
// Date Author number of nodes
// 2008/7/24 walkinglint 9
default {
touch_start(integer total_number) {
string s = "\n\t bbb \t\n";
llOwnerSay("aaa" + llStringTrim(s, STRING_TRIM) + "ccc");
llOwnerSay("aaa" + llStringTrim(s, STRING_TRIM_HEAD) + "ccc");
llOwnerSay("aaa" + llStringTrim(s, STRING_TRIM_TAIL) + "ccc");
list l = ["a", "bb", "ccc"];
llOwnerSay(llDumpList2String(l, ","));
ちなみに \t は 空白4つのことのようです w
Category:LSL String - Second Life Wiki
Those who are coming LSL from such languages as C and Java may find these LSL string escape rules confusing at first. In LSL, "\n" means llUnescapeURL("%0A"), as it does in C and Java, but "\t" means llUnescapeURL("%20%20%20%20") rather than llUnescapeURL("%09"), and "\r" means "r" rather than llUnescapeURL("%0D"), etc.
Posted by walkinglint at 16:02│Comments(0)
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