

メッセージボードの不思議 - 逐次解説(その2)

XyzzyText - Second Life Wiki
解説自体は次回以降(またか w)
// File: XyzzyText.lsl
// Date Author number of nodes
// 2008/11/12 walkinglint 388
// //////////////////////////////////////////
// XyzzyText v2.1 Script (Set Line Color) by Huney Jewell
// XyzzyText v2.0 Script (5 Face, Single Texture)
// Heavily Modified by Thraxis Epsilon, Gigs Taggart 5/2007 and Strife Onizuka 8/2007
// Rewrite to allow one-script-per-object operation w/ optional slaves
// Enable prim-label functionality
// Enabled Banking
// Modified by Kermitt Quirk 19/01/2006
// To add support for 5 face prim instead of 3
// Core XyText Originally Written by Xylor Baysklef
// //////////////////////////////////////////
// ///////////// CONSTANTS ///////////////////
// XyText Message Map.
integer DISPLAY_STRING = 204000;
integer DISPLAY_EXTENDED = 204001;
integer REMAP_INDICES = 204002;
integer RESET_INDICES = 204003;
integer SET_FADE_OPTIONS = 204004;
integer SET_FONT_TEXTURE = 204005;
integer SET_LINE_COLOR = 204006;
integer SET_COLOR = 204007;
integer RESCAN_LINKSET = 204008;
// internal API
integer REGISTER_SLAVE = 205000;
integer SLAVE_RECOGNIZED = 205001;
integer SLAVE_DISPLAY = 205003;
integer SLAVE_DISPLAY_EXTENDED = 205004;
integer SLAVE_RESET = 205005;
// This is an extended character escape sequence.
string ESCAPE_SEQUENCE = "\\e";
// This is used to get an index for the extended character.
string EXTENDED_INDEX = "12345";
// Face numbers.
integer FACE_1 = 3;
integer FACE_2 = 7;
integer FACE_3 = 4;
integer FACE_4 = 6;
integer FACE_5 = 1;
// Used to hide the text after a fade-out.
key TRANSPARENT = "701917a8-d614-471f-13dd-5f4644e36e3c";
key null_key = NULL_KEY;
// /////////// END CONSTANTS ////////////////
// /////////// GLOBAL VARIABLES ///////////////
// This is the key of the font we are displaying.
key gFontTexture = "b2e7394f-5e54-aa12-6e1c-ef327b6bed9e";
// All displayable characters. Default to ASCII order.
string gCharIndex;
// This is whether or not to use the fade in/out special effect.
integer gCellUseFading = FALSE;
// This is how long to display the text before fading out (if using
// fading special effect).
// Note: < 0 means don't fade out.
float gCellHoldDelay = 1.0;
integer gSlaveRegistered;
list gSlaveNames;
integer BANK_STRIDE = 3; // offset, length, highest_dirty
list gBankingData;
// ///////// END GLOBAL VARIABLES ////////////
ResetCharIndex() {
gCharIndex = " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`";
gCharIndex += "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~";
gCharIndex += "\n\n\n\n\n";
vector GetGridOffset(integer index) {
// Calculate the offset needed to display this character.
integer Row = index / 10;
integer Col = index % 10;
// Return the offset in the texture.
return <-0.45 + 0.1 * Col, 0.45 - 0.1 * Row, 0.0>;
ShowChars(integer link, vector grid_offset1, vector grid_offset2,
vector grid_offset3, vector grid_offset4, vector grid_offset5) {
// Set the primitive textures directly.
// <-0.256, 0, 0>
// <0, 0, 0>
// <0.130, 0, 0>
// <0, 0, 0>
// <-0.74, 0, 0>
llSetLinkPrimitiveParams(link, [
PRIM_TEXTURE, FACE_1, (string)gFontTexture,
<0.126, 0.1, 0>, grid_offset1 + <0.037, 0, 0>, 0.0,
PRIM_TEXTURE, FACE_2, (string)gFontTexture,
<0.05, 0.1, 0>, grid_offset2, 0.0,
PRIM_TEXTURE, FACE_3, (string)gFontTexture,
<-0.74, 0.1, 0>, grid_offset3 - <0.244, 0, 0>, 0.0,
PRIM_TEXTURE, FACE_4, (string)gFontTexture,
<0.05, 0.1, 0>, grid_offset4, 0.0,
PRIM_TEXTURE, FACE_5, (string)gFontTexture,
<0.126, 0.1, 0>, grid_offset5 - <0.037, 0, 0>, 0.0
RenderString(integer link, string str) {
// Get the grid positions for each pair of characters.
vector GridOffset1 = GetGridOffset(llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 0, 0)));
vector GridOffset2 = GetGridOffset(llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 1, 1)));
vector GridOffset3 = GetGridOffset(llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 2, 2)));
vector GridOffset4 = GetGridOffset(llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 3, 3)));
vector GridOffset5 = GetGridOffset(llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 4, 4)));
// Use these grid positions to display the correct textures/offsets.
ShowChars(link, GridOffset1, GridOffset2, GridOffset3, GridOffset4, GridOffset5);
RenderWithEffects(integer link, string str) {
// Get the grid positions for each pair of characters.
vector GridOffset1 = GetGridOffset(llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 0, 0)));
vector GridOffset2 = GetGridOffset(llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 1, 1)));
vector GridOffset3 = GetGridOffset(llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 2, 2)));
vector GridOffset4 = GetGridOffset(llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 3, 3)));
vector GridOffset5 = GetGridOffset(llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(str, 4, 4)));
// First set the alpha to the lowest possible.
llSetLinkAlpha(link, 0.05, ALL_SIDES);
// Use these grid positions to display the correct textures/offsets.
// Now turn up the alpha until it is at full strength.
ShowChars(link, GridOffset1, GridOffset2, GridOffset3, GridOffset4, GridOffset5);
float Alpha = 0.10;
for (; Alpha <= 1.0; Alpha += 0.05) {
llSetLinkAlpha(link, Alpha, ALL_SIDES);
// See if we want to fade out as well.
if (gCellHoldDelay < 0.0) {
// No, bail out. (Just keep showing the string at full strength).
return ;
// Hold the text for a while.
// Now fade out.
for (Alpha = 0.95; Alpha >= 0.05; Alpha -= 0.05) {
llSetLinkAlpha(link, Alpha, ALL_SIDES);
// Make the text transparent to fully hide it.
llSetLinkTexture(link, TRANSPARENT, ALL_SIDES);
integer RenderExtended(integer link, string str, integer render) {
// Look for escape sequences.
integer length = 0;
list Parsed = llParseString2List(str, [], (list)ESCAPE_SEQUENCE);
integer ParsedLen = llGetListLength(Parsed);
// Create a list of index values to work with.
list Indices;
// We start with room for 5 indices.
integer IndicesLeft = 5;
string Token;
integer Clipped;
integer LastWasEscapeSequence = FALSE;
// Work from left to right.
integer i = 0;
for (; (i < ParsedLen) && (IndicesLeft > 0); ++i) {
Token = llList2String(Parsed, i);
// If this is an escape sequence, just set the flag and move on.
if (Token == ESCAPE_SEQUENCE) {
LastWasEscapeSequence = TRUE;
} else { // Token != ESCAPE_SEQUENCE
// Otherwise this is a normal token. Check its length.
Clipped = FALSE;
integer TokenLength = llStringLength(Token);
// Clip if necessary.
if (TokenLength > IndicesLeft) {
TokenLength = llStringLength(Token = llGetSubString(Token, 0, IndicesLeft - 1));
IndicesLeft = 0;
Clipped = TRUE;
} else {
IndicesLeft -= TokenLength;
// Was the previous token an escape sequence?
if (LastWasEscapeSequence) {
// Yes, the first character is an escape character, the rest are normal.
length += 2 + TokenLength;
if (render) {
// This is the extended character.
Indices += (llSubStringIndex(EXTENDED_INDEX, llGetSubString(Token, 0, 0)) + 95);
// These are the normal characters.
integer j = 1;
for (; j < TokenLength; ++j) {
Indices += llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(Token, j, j));
} else { // Normal string.
// Just add the characters normally.
length += TokenLength;
if (render) {
integer j = 0;
for (; j < TokenLength; ++j) {
Indices += llSubStringIndex(gCharIndex, llGetSubString(Token, j, j));
// Unset this flag, since this was not an escape sequence.
LastWasEscapeSequence = FALSE;
// Use the indices to create grid positions.
if (render) {
vector GridOffset1 = GetGridOffset(llList2Integer(Indices, 0));
vector GridOffset2 = GetGridOffset(llList2Integer(Indices, 1));
vector GridOffset3 = GetGridOffset(llList2Integer(Indices, 2));
vector GridOffset4 = GetGridOffset(llList2Integer(Indices, 3));
vector GridOffset5 = GetGridOffset(llList2Integer(Indices, 4));
// Use these grid positions to display the correct textures/offsets.
ShowChars(link, GridOffset1, GridOffset2, GridOffset3, GridOffset4, GridOffset5);
return length;
integer ConvertIndex(integer index) {
// This converts from an ASCII based index to our indexing scheme.
if (index >= 32) { // ' ' or higher
index -= 32;
} else { // index < 32
// Quick bounds check.
if (index > 15) {
index = 15;
index += 94; // extended characters
return index;
PassToRender(integer render, string message, integer bank) {
// float time;
integer extendedlen = 0;
integer link;
integer i = 0;
integer msgLen = llStringLength(message);
string TextToRender;
integer num_slaves = llGetListLength(gSlaveNames);
string slave_name; // avoids unnecessary casts, keeping it as a string
// get the bank offset and length
integer bank_offset = llList2Integer(gBankingData, (bank * BANK_STRIDE));
integer bank_length = llList2Integer(gBankingData, (bank * BANK_STRIDE) + 1);
integer bank_highest_dirty = llList2Integer(gBankingData, (bank * BANK_STRIDE) + 2);
integer x = 0;
for (; x < msgLen; x = x + 5) {
if (i >= bank_length) { // we don't want to run off the end of the bank
// set the dirty to max, and bail out, we're done
gBankingData = llListReplaceList(gBankingData, (list)bank_length,
(bank * BANK_STRIDE) + 2, (bank * BANK_STRIDE) + 2);
return ;
link = unpack(gXyTextPrims, (i + bank_offset));
TextToRender = llGetSubString(message, x, x + 15);
if (gSlaveRegistered && (link % (num_slaves + 1))) {
slave_name = llList2String(gSlaveNames, (link % (num_slaves + 1)) - 1);
if (render == 1) {
llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, SLAVE_DISPLAY, TextToRender,
(key)((string)link + "," + slave_name));
if (render == 2) {
// time = llGetAndResetTime();
if (llSubStringIndex(TextToRender, "\e") > x) {
extendedlen = 5;
} else {
extendedlen = RenderExtended(link, TextToRender, 0);
if (extendedlen > 5) {
x += extendedlen - 5;
(key)((string)link + "," + slave_name));
// llOwnerSay((string)llGetAndResetTime());
// sorry, no fade effect with slave
} else {
if (render == 1) {
RenderString(link, TextToRender);
if (render == 2) {
extendedlen = RenderExtended(link, TextToRender,1);
if (extendedlen > 5) {
x += extendedlen - 5;
if (render == 3) {
RenderWithEffects(link, TextToRender);
if (bank_highest_dirty==0) {
bank_highest_dirty = bank_length;
integer current_highest_dirty = i;
while (i < bank_highest_dirty) {
link = unpack(gXyTextPrims, (i + bank_offset));
if (gSlaveRegistered && (link % (num_slaves + 1) != 0)) {
slave_name = llList2String(gSlaveNames, (link % (num_slaves + 1)) - 1);
llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, SLAVE_DISPLAY, " ",
(key)((string)link + "," + slave_name));
// sorry, no fade effect with slave
} else {
RenderString(link," ");
gBankingData = llListReplaceList(gBankingData, (list)current_highest_dirty,
(bank * BANK_STRIDE) + 2, (bank * BANK_STRIDE) + 2);
// Bitwise Voodoo by Gigs Taggart and optimized by Strife Onizuka
list gXyTextPrims;
integer get_number_of_prims() {
integer a = llGetNumberOfPrims();
// Mono tweak
vector size = llGetAgentSize(llGetLinkKey(a));
while (size.z > 0) {
size = llGetAgentSize(llGetLinkKey(a));
return a;
// functions to pack 8-bit shorts into ints
list pack_and_insert(list in_list, integer pos, integer value) {
// //figure out the bitpack position
// integer pack = pos & 3; //4 bytes per int
// pos=pos >> 2;
// integer shifted = value << (pack << 3);
// integer old_value = llList2Integer(in_list, pos);
// shifted = old_value | shifted;
// in_list = llListReplaceList(in_list, (list)shifted, pos, pos);
// return in_list;
// Safe optimized version
integer index = pos >> 2;
return llListReplaceList(in_list,
(list)(llList2Integer(in_list, index) | (value << ((pos & 3) << 3))),
index, index);
integer unpack(list in_list, integer pos) {
return (llList2Integer(in_list, pos >> 2) >> ((pos & 3) << 3)) & 0x000000FF; // unsigned
// return (llList2Integer(in_list, pos >> 2) << (((~pos) & 3) << 3)) >> 24; //signed
change_color(vector color) {
integer num_prims = llGetListLength(gXyTextPrims) << 2;
integer i = 0;
for (; i <= num_prims; ++i) {
integer link = unpack(gXyTextPrims, i);
if (!link) {
return ;
llSetLinkPrimitiveParams(link, [
PRIM_COLOR, FACE_1, color, 1.0,
PRIM_COLOR, FACE_2, color, 1.0,
PRIM_COLOR, FACE_3, color, 1.0,
PRIM_COLOR, FACE_4, color, 1.0,
PRIM_COLOR, FACE_5, color, 1.0
change_line_color(integer bank, vector color) {
// get the bank offset and length
integer i = llList2Integer(gBankingData, (bank * BANK_STRIDE));
integer bank_end = i + llList2Integer(gBankingData, (bank * BANK_STRIDE) + 1);
for (; i < bank_end; ++i) {
integer link = unpack(gXyTextPrims,i);
if (!link) {
return ;
llSetLinkPrimitiveParams(link, [
PRIM_COLOR, FACE_1, color, 1.0,
PRIM_COLOR, FACE_2, color, 1.0,
PRIM_COLOR, FACE_3, color, 1.0,
PRIM_COLOR, FACE_4, color, 1.0,
PRIM_COLOR, FACE_5, color, 1.0
init() {
integer num_prims = get_number_of_prims();
string link_name;
integer bank = 0;
integer prims_pointer = 0; // "pointer" to the next entry to be used in the gXyTextPrims list.
list temp_bank = [];
integer temp_bank_stride = 2;
// FIXME: font texture might should be per-bank
llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, SET_FONT_TEXTURE, "", gFontTexture);
gXyTextPrims = [];
integer x = 0;
for (; x < 64; ++x) {
// we need to pad out the list to make it easier to add things in any order later
gXyTextPrims = (gXyTextPrims = []) + gXyTextPrims + 0;
// loop over all prims, looking for ones in the current bank
for (x = 0; x <= num_prims; ++x) {
link_name = llGetLinkName(x);
list tmp = llParseString2List(link_name, (list)"-", []);
if (llList2String(tmp,0) == "xyzzytext") {
if (llList2Integer(tmp, 1) == bank) {
temp_bank += llList2Integer(tmp, 2) + (list)x;
if (temp_bank != []) {
// sort the current bank
temp_bank = llListSort(temp_bank, temp_bank_stride, TRUE);
integer temp_len = llGetListLength(temp_bank);
// store metadata
gBankingData += [prims_pointer, temp_len / temp_bank_stride, 0];
// repack the bank into the prim list
for (x = 0; x < temp_len; x += temp_bank_stride) {
gXyTextPrims = pack_and_insert(gXyTextPrims, prims_pointer,
llList2Integer(temp_bank, x + 1));
temp_bank = [];
jump loop;
llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, SLAVE_RESET, "" , null_key);
// llOwnerSay((string)llGetFreeMemory());
default {
state_entry() {
// Initialize the character index.
on_rez(integer num) {
link_message(integer sender, integer channel, string data, key id) {
if (id == null_key) {
id = "0";
if (channel == DISPLAY_STRING) {
PassToRender(1, data, (integer)((string)id));
} else if (channel == DISPLAY_EXTENDED) {
PassToRender(2, data, (integer)((string)id));
} else if (channel == REMAP_INDICES) {
// Parse the message, splitting it up into index values.
list Parsed = llCSV2List(data);
integer i = 0;
// Go through the list and swap each pair of indices.
for (; i < llGetListLength(Parsed); i += 2) {
integer Index1 = ConvertIndex(llList2Integer(Parsed, i));
integer Index2 = ConvertIndex(llList2Integer(Parsed, i + 1));
// Swap these index values.
string Value1 = llGetSubString(gCharIndex, Index1, Index1);
string Value2 = llGetSubString(gCharIndex, Index2, Index2);
gCharIndex = llDeleteSubString(gCharIndex, Index1, Index1);
gCharIndex = llInsertString(gCharIndex, Index1, Value2);
gCharIndex = llDeleteSubString(gCharIndex, Index2, Index2);
gCharIndex = llInsertString(gCharIndex, Index2, Value1);
} else if (channel == RESCAN_LINKSET) {
} else if (channel == RESET_INDICES) {
// Restore the character index back to default settings.
} else if (channel == SET_FADE_OPTIONS) {
// Change the channel we listen to for cell commands, the
// starting character position to extract from, and
// special effect attributes.
list Parsed = llCSV2List(data);
gCellUseFading = (integer) llList2String(Parsed, 0);
gCellHoldDelay = (float) llList2String(Parsed, 1);
} else if (channel == SET_FONT_TEXTURE) {
// Use the new texture instead of the current one.
gFontTexture = id;
} else if (channel == SET_COLOR) {
} else if (channel == SET_LINE_COLOR) {
change_line_color((integer)((string)id), (vector)data);
} else if (channel == REGISTER_SLAVE) {
if (!~llListFindList(gSlaveNames, (list)data)) {
gSlaveNames += data;
gSlaveRegistered = TRUE;
// llOwnerSay((string)llGetListLength(gSlaveNames)
// + " Slave(s) Recognized: " + data);
// else
// {//it already exists
// llOwnerSay((string)llGetListLength(gSlaveNames)
// + " Slave, Existing Slave Recognized: " + data);
// }
llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, SLAVE_RECOGNIZED, data , null_key);
changed(integer change) {
if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) {
if (gSlaveRegistered) {
// by using negative indexes they don't need to be adjusted when an entry is deleted.
integer x = ~llGetListLength(gSlaveNames);
while (++x) {
if (!~llGetInventoryType(llList2String(gSlaveNames, x))) {
// llOwnerSay("Slave Removed: " + llList2String(gSlaveNames, x));
gSlaveNames = llDeleteSubList(gSlaveNames, x, x);
gSlaveRegistered = !(gSlaveNames == []);

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