


あ~ やっぱり ビット演算子 より 比較演算子 の方が 優先順位 高いわけね
と またまた バグ取り してたわけなんだが
一体全体 どうなってるんだろう と調べてみると
4 26オフィスアワーの報告 iNNX ブログ

と... ないんだ
[JIRA] Commented (SVC-818) LSL comparison operators evaluate in reverse order (and execute code which doesn't need to be execut

It's too late to introduce short-circuiting to LSL, it would break a huge amount of content. It is also too late to change the execution order, it too would break a huge amount of content. The goal of the Mono team is to maintain compatibility with existing scripts.
I'm in the habit these days of writing my code so they are execution order agnostic, LSLEditor which I use for testing is left to right execution order.
へえ LSLEditor って評価できるんだ
Love it or hate it, it's too much hassle to change it. All you can do is document it. Speaking of which, anyone want to write operator tables for LSL? https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Operators
やっぱり ないのか... でも どっかで見たんだよな~
Ja operators - lslWiki

All operators in order of execution or precedence, from high to low:
と... あ ここで見たんだよな
でも && と || の順はこうじゃないんだよな(というか そもそも 書けないか w)
でも 英語のページ
Operators - lslWiki
には この部分はないしな...

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