

セカンドライフにしかない楽しみ - ジャズ/パターン認識報酬

ゲーム等における楽しさは 脳がパターンを見いだす時に そう感じている
なぜ? というと
RSA aesthetic pleasure Social Brain

He talks of how our dopamine neurons drive us to find patterns of regularity in the world around us. For a language-using, tool-using animal, the ability to detect patterns in things is obviously enormously important.
脳が報酬として 楽しさ を与えている ということは考えられうる
ここではパターンの認識といっても いろいろな形はありうる
At the frist level, there is the unconscious pattern-finding that serves us so well as natural and social animals. The reward at this level is a kind of comfort in familiarity.
At the second level, there is the joy in tracking complex unexpected patterns. The sense of reward here is not so simple – it is a reward that engages our conscious brains; we become aware of our abilities to track patterns because they are pushed to their limits and also because we notice unusual or unexpected ones. To a certain extent, this kind of feeling of reward helps us hone the unconsicous level of pattern-finding that informs simple decision-making. But it also enables us to make decisions that engage far more complex data.
Finally, at the third level we are forced to reflect on our pattern-finding capacities per se – we reach a meta-cognitive state where we realise that we are constantly imposing patterns and that there are inherent dangers in doing this. In other words, at this level we actually cognise the double-edged nature of our dopamine driven pattern-finding capacities – we see that they enable us to track features of natural and social reality, yet we also see that in constantly employing this capacity we may in fact be simply imposing form rather than discovering it.
実際存在しないものにまでパターンを見いだしてしまいがちな傾向を自覚した上での メタ パターン認識
ブルース / ジャズ / モダンジャズ とかに対応させてしまうのは 最近読んだ本に影響されているわけだが w
そうそう オンラインゲームの楽しみは 様々な要素を組み合わせ うまくこなしていく部分にあるわけだが
セカンドライフの楽しみは それとは全く異なる

ゾンビハンター - Love Soul
ぷよぷよ - Knarley
真 Devil's Labyrinth(その3)
真 Devil's Labyrinth(その2)
真 Devil's Labyrinth - MadPea 2
 ゾンビハンター(その2) (2010-12-23 19:23)
 ゾンビハンター - Love Soul (2010-12-22 18:31)
 ぷよぷよ - Knarley (2010-11-18 21:53)
 真 Devil's Labyrinth(その3) (2010-11-15 19:39)
 真 Devil's Labyrinth(その2) (2010-11-14 18:14)
 真 Devil's Labyrinth - MadPea 2 (2010-11-13 18:22)
Posted by walkinglint at 20:02│Comments(0)ゲーム