'The Raven', by Edgar Alan Poe
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'The Raven', by Edgar Alan Poe
Experience the classic poem 'The Raven' as you never have. In a new immersive installation the world of 'The Raven' is presented for you to feel, touch and explore. This literary masterpiece is open to all visitors at all times of day or night. This is an ongoing presentation of an expert reading of the poem in an environment that Poe himself may feel comfortable.
前にも見かけたので 自動で 特定時間に 朗読のテープが流れるようになってるのかもしれません... ふむ~
YouTube でそういう仕組みができると 定時上映会 みたいなことができるわけだな~
'The Raven', by Edgar Alan Poe
Experience the classic poem 'The Raven' as you never have. In a new immersive installation the world of 'The Raven' is presented for you to feel, touch and explore. This literary masterpiece is open to all visitors at all times of day or night. This is an ongoing presentation of an expert reading of the poem in an environment that Poe himself may feel comfortable.
前にも見かけたので 自動で 特定時間に 朗読のテープが流れるようになってるのかもしれません... ふむ~
YouTube でそういう仕組みができると 定時上映会 みたいなことができるわけだな~
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Posted by walkinglint at 06:05│Comments(0)