

総合芸術としての SL

映画 とか オペラ についてそういうことが言われたりするけれど
Second Life: a Puppet Play for the 21st Century -- Move The Frame

As a dancer and filmmaker, it seemed like dance in Second life was still light years behind the fluidity and grace of "first life" dance whether on screen or stage. I also felt dubious about people who devote so much time and energy sitting at a computer living a virtual life, when the real thing seems like more than enough to deal with!
The movement was jerky with lots of dropped frames, and the music would sometimes skip or drop out, making it seem like the whole thing could fall apart at any moment. But this awkwardness actually made the piece very endearing and exciting to watch.
Like puppetry, the virtual bodies became substitutes for the real, and strange flights of fancy became totally believable and acceptable.
というのを目にし SL も ということを思ったりした...

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Posted by walkinglint at 13:15│Comments(0)SL 主義