SL に関する変なネット記事(その10)
If Second Life Is Over, Someone Needs To Tell Cisco (CSCO) - slidepre_3
Conventional wisdom is that Second Life is an overhyped ghost town that's wasted many of corporate America's marketing dollars. But no one seems to have told the folks at Cisco (CSCO), which has maintained a steady presence in Linden Lab's (SAI #11) virtual world.
There are plenty of brands that don't really need to be on Second Life, because Second Life's userbase consists of nerds (we say this lovingly.) But for a company like Cisco, Second Life's tech-loving users are a rich pool of potential developers and wannabe Cisco certified engineers.
そもそも SL に進出してもしかたない企業は そもそも最初から 進出してもしかたなかったんじゃね~の という話ね w
こういうのを 逆張り っていうんじゃね w
Conventional wisdom is that Second Life is an overhyped ghost town that's wasted many of corporate America's marketing dollars. But no one seems to have told the folks at Cisco (CSCO), which has maintained a steady presence in Linden Lab's (SAI #11) virtual world.
There are plenty of brands that don't really need to be on Second Life, because Second Life's userbase consists of nerds (we say this lovingly.) But for a company like Cisco, Second Life's tech-loving users are a rich pool of potential developers and wannabe Cisco certified engineers.
そもそも SL に進出してもしかたない企業は そもそも最初から 進出してもしかたなかったんじゃね~の という話ね w
こういうのを 逆張り っていうんじゃね w
SL からの tweet に成功
セカンドライフなう したい人のために ^^
セカンドライフ vs twitter
セカンドライフの次は Twitter だった
SL からの tweet に成功
セカンドライフなう したい人のために ^^
セカンドライフ vs twitter
セカンドライフの次は Twitter だった
Posted by walkinglint at 16:04│Comments(0)