

SL に関する変なネット記事(その9)

これも 変 ということはないな
Videogames: Why People Live Second Lives Online | Newsweek Periscope | Newsweek.com
In many cases I think real love blossoms best in a virtual world.
おお ^^
There was a guy we met in Second Life who was really great: affable, funny, smart and fun?we really connected. Months later, we were shocked to find out he was completely disabled by cerebral palsy, to the point where he could only work one finger on one hand and couldn't talk. In that moment, the power of virtual worlds to enhance people's lives really crashed down on us.
本当の価値というのは 本当の所 実際に体験してみないと というか そういう瞬間に出会う幸運に巡り合えないと 分かんないよね...

 なんでクリックしないと画像が表示されないんだろう (2012-11-30 20:12)
 SL からの tweet に成功 (2009-09-25 18:05)
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Posted by walkinglint at 14:18│Comments(0)ブログ